SKINVIVE™ by Juvéderm

Conveniently located to serve New Fairfield, CT and Thornwood, NY

At Liv Aesthetics Medical Spa, we are pleased to offer Skinvive™ by Juvéderm®, available at our New Fairfield, CT, and Thornwood, NY, locations. This revolutionary cosmetic dermal filler improves skin texture and volume for up to six months with just one treatment. With Skinvive by Juvéderm, experience a transformation that restores natural looking results of a firmer and more youthful skin.

What Is Skinvive by Juvéderm?

Skinvive is a cosmetic filler that is specifically formulated to revitalize and renew skin texture. Utilizing a unique blend of hyaluronic acid and antioxidants, it promotes hydration and temporarily restores lost volume. The procedure involves minimally invasive injections that work just below beneath the surface, resulting in a smoother complexion. 

Candidates for Skinvive

Ideal candidates for Skinvive are individuals seeking a non-surgical solution to address signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of skin density. This treatment is perfect for those who desire a natural-looking rejuvenation. The formula is less concentrated compared to other fillers so it can be an optimal choice for upper lip, chin, neck, forehead lines and wrinkles.

During a consultation at Liv Aesthetics Medical Spa, our experts will assess your skin’s condition and discuss your aesthetic goals to ensure Skinvive is the right choice for you.

What to Expect During Skinvive

Skinvive is formulated with a numbing agent to ensure a comfortable experience. The treatment involves precise injections, strategically administered to target specific areas of concern. This personalized approach ensures that your Skinvive experience is tailored to your unique skin needs, leading to optimal results.

Recovery and Results

Following Skinvive you can expect minimal recovery and downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities promptly. Your skin may exhibit slight redness or swelling, but these effects are temporary and subside quickly. Over the following weeks, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in your skin’s texture and firmness.


Treatment Consultation

Your journey to a smoother complexion begins with a consultation at Liv Aesthetics Medical Spa. During this session, our experts will evaluate your health history to ensure compatibility with Skinvive, discuss your concerns, and tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your aesthetic aspirations. 


Treatment Cost

The cost of Skinvive varies as each treatment is customized to meet your individual goals. During your consultation, a detailed treatment plan will be created, providing you with comprehensive price information. 


Contact Us

We invite you to contact Liv Aesthetics Medical Spa to schedule a consultation. Take the first step towards radiant, rejuvenated skin with Skinvive, available at our New Fairfield, CT, and Thornwood, NY locations.


How Long Do the Results of Skinvive Last?

Skinvive’s results typically last for up to six months, but this can vary depending on individual factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and age. Maintenance treatments are recommended to sustain the benefits.

Can Skinvive be Combined with Other Treatments?

Yes, Skinvive can often be combined with other treatments for enhanced results. During your consultation, we can discuss a comprehensive treatment plan that may include Skinvive alongside other procedures.

Is Skinvive Suitable for All Skin Types?

Skinvive is designed to be safe and effective for various skin types. However, individual suitability can be best determined during a consultation with one of our skincare experts.